
You’ll Be Seeing Less of Me In The Next Couple of Months – Accountability May Be Needed!!!

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Happy 50th Birthday to ME!!!

Yep, I turned the big 5 – 0 on Sunday! My wife and daughter threw a surprise party for me a couple of weeks ago so we were pretty low key this weekend. One of the coolest presents I got for my birthday came from my dad.

Green Beret

Be Like DadGrowing up in the house of a green beret is interesting. As kids our normal was not normal for most other kids. For instance, most kids from my generation grew up playing army in the neighborhood… however, we did it with REAL used LAW rocket tubes that our dads brought home from field training exercises. Until I was in middle school, I didn’t know how many civilians there really were. I thought everyone was in some branch of the military… I thought civilians were just a support unit for guys in uniform. It was also normal to be outside playing and see C-130’s flying overhead… the back door would be open and you would see people start jumping out… parachutes would open and then disappear behind the trees somewhere in the distance. That was our normal and like most kids I guess, I always wanted to be like dad!

As I got older I realized most dads didn’t jump out of airplanes and blow things up for a living. Only a few got to have that much fun and get paid for it.

For my 50th birthday, dad decided to let me experience a little piece of that life and is sending me, my kids, and my brother sky diving at Skydive Dallas!!!

SkyDive Dallas Gift Certs

That’s right… were going to jump out of a perfectly good airplane!!!

Here is the part where I have to earn it…

First Jump Requirements - SkyDive Dallas

Did you see that part about 220 lbs?

Here is what my scales said when I got on them…

Scale 271lb 092313

So I am scheduling the jump for March 22, 2014!!!

I’m giving myself six months to drop 51 lbs… so you’ll be seeing less of me in the next couple of months. Here’s my not so high tech weight loss plan…

Eat Less and Move More

That’s it… no hard to follow diet plans… no magic weight loss pills… no As Seen on TV workout equipment…

Just “Eat Less and Move More

That’s where the accountability part comes in… I love food! It’s not even really a food thing, it’s a social thing. There is just something social that happens when people sit down and eat together. So let’s still do the social thing… I just need to “Eat Less” while we do it.

If you want to go skydiving with us, COME ON…

Experiences like this are best when shared with friends and family. If you are having a hard time understanding my weight loss plan, I’ve found an instructional video that explains it in more detail…

The goal date is March 22, 2014…

I don’t think it will take that long but I’m also planning to let it warm up a little bit also…

Put your pennies together and let’s go Skydive Dallas!!!


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