

How Ego Affects Leadership

I read an excellent article by David Witt today about how ego affects leadership. David is the Program Director for The Ken Blanchard Companies and published this article in Chief Learning Officer. The title of the article is When Ego Trumps the Company. The article, published July 24, 2014, starts with: Ego is only a few

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Irving Fire Department Announces Two Awards

Re-Posted from today’s neighborsgo IRVING in the Dallas Morning News Irving Fire Department announces two awards By Deborah Fleck / News Assistant dfleck@dallasnews.com 3:23 pm on March 11, 2014 | Permalink The Irving Fire Department recently received the first “Recognized Best Practices Fire Department” from the Texas Fire Chiefs Association. Texas is the first state in the country to implement a state

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8 Essentials of an Effective Apology

A group if my friends were sitting around having a conversation tonight about needing to apologize but not wanting to or really even knowing what to say… Then the following article hit my Twitter feed… Connect with us on social media      FireBoss Realty would love to help you if you are looking for Homes for sale

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The Case for Implementing Texas Fire Chiefs Association Best Practices – Part 4 – The Texas Fire Chief’s Association Best Practices Recognition Program – Why It Was Important For The Irving Fire Department

Yesterday we talked about what the Texas Fire Chief’s Association Best Practices Recognition Program is and discussed the tools that are available to help with organizing the workflow and filing the documents electronically. Today we’ll look at why the Best Practices Recognition Program was important for the Irving Fire Department. The TFCA Best Practices Recognition

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The Case for Implementing Texas Fire Chiefs Association Best Practices – Part 3 – The Texas Fire Chief’s Association Best Practices Recognition Program – What Is It?

Yesterday we explored Everett Rogers theory of Diffusion of Innovation to get a handle on how innovations are accepted and adopted by social groups. Today we will look at what the Texas Fire Chief’s Association Best Practices Recognition Program is and tomorrow we will look at why it is important for your fire department to embrace.

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The Case for Implementing Texas Fire Chiefs Association Best Practices – Part 2 – Change is Hard… So How Can We Use the Theory of Diffusion of Innovation to Help Us Improve?

Yesterday, we started by looking at a model for change that helps us understand our organizational past, where we are in the present and what our preferred future might look like if everything we did went RIGHT. (Click Here for Part 1) The TFCA Best Practices criteria provide a blue print to help us understand

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