
When Is The Contract On My New House Effective?

Recently, we’ve been involved in a few transactions where the buyer or the seller thought they had an effective contract before they actually did. If you are not sure when you actually “have a deal” and are wondering “When is the contract on my new house effective?” Keep Reading… In Texas, for a real estate contract

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Are Your Kids Safe While They’re On The Internet?

In the digital age, our kids have constant access to the internet. Even pre-school and elementary aged kids are running around with electronic devices that are tapped into WiFi networks. Do you know what they are seeing and hearing? Do you know what personal information they may be sharing? Are you safe while you’re on

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1 Night to Unite… Two More Days… Three Great Speakers!!!

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aHP9E21Is0&w=560&h=315]  How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in UNITY. Psalm 133:1 The vision of 1 Night to Unite began when local pastors and ministry leaders in the Wylie area  began gathering to pray together nearly five years ago. These leaders, from a variety of churches, denominations, and backgrounds are united by their

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